True-Love, Theism and Democracy

A Sincerely Cheerful Greeting From
The Phileo Phoundation



My name is Reid Collier, and I'm the founder and sole proprietor of this website.  The word “phileo” is an ancient Greek word for “brotherly love.”  Thus, The Phileo Phoundation literally means “The Brotherly Love Foundation.”  The Phileo Phoundation is committed, dedicated and devoted to the education and the willful exercise of true-love.  You must first learn the fundamental principles of love in order to willfully exercise them.  It's also noted the fundamental principles of love quickly lead to the natural, associated subjects of theism (love God with all your heart, soul and mind;  in God we trust;  one nation under God) and democracy (love your neighbor as yourself).



Personal Reflection:  Carefully consider the First Question of Life:  Is there a spiritual realm to life?  If life does have a spiritual realm, then does God really exist and is His essence and nature the spiritual fabric of true, sincere and genuine love?  This is a Godly love, and it's also called “Cosmic Love.



The Phileo Phoundation is founded upon two very important spiritual elements:  (1) the living reality of mankind's Creator (the Great Divinity of Democracy), and (2) the spiritual reality of life which is experienced in the physical world as well as the spiritual world.  The spiritual world is also called “the world-to-come” and “the Kingdom of Love.”  Consequently, the reader is encouraged to become a mighty and noble Advocate of Love.  Now consider this.  What's your Love IQ, and do you want to increase the current level of your Love IQ?  In other words, do you want to become a better lover and a happier person?  If your answers to these questions are yes, then please visit all the features of The Phileo Phoundation.  Lastly, reflect upon this question.  Where shall your mind dwell at the moment of your physical death?


Let your mind dwell upon the beauty and glory

of love, and then your love shall guide you home.

Everybody Needs Love!

Our gracious and benevolent Creator’s perfect love is the most incredible, beautiful and awesome spectacle you can possibly behold.  It delights the heart, uplifts the spirit, and consoles the weary soul.  And everybody needs love! 

It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, or if you’re a bigender person or a unigender person.  Everybody needs love! 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a blue-collar worker, a white-collar worker, or if you work at all, and it certainly doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter if you’re old or young, or if you’re in good health or poor health.  Everybody must have love!

It also doesn’t matter what color your skin is or what nationality you are.  And it surely doesn’t matter if you’re beautiful or ordinary, or if you’re skinny or obese, or if you’re highly intelligent or intellectually challenged.  Everybody still needs to be loved! 

You could be a spiritualist, a religionist, a theist or an atheist, and you could have the mind of a criminal or the mind of an angel.  You still need the beauty and power of love! 

And it surely doesn’t matter if you’re a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, a Christian, a Baptist, a Methodist, a Catholic, or any other manmade religion, sect or denomination.  Everybody needs love, and that especially includes you and me!

Love Is Never An Accidental Occurrence!

Love is the result of a living process
associated with an inner personal choice.
Love requires birth, nurturing and instructions.
What comes first is a mysterious variable.

For some people love is born as a result
of the loving examples of parental nurturing.

For some other people love is
born as a result of intellectual instructions.

And then for some people love is born as a
result of an unknown source, a truly spiritual mystery.

But for all people who truly love, love is cultivated and
sustained as a result of an inner personal decision to love.

And that decision to love is delicately
intertwined with a deeply heartfelt willful desire to love.

Love is then actively nurtured by the daily
commitment, dedication and devotion to love.
Only in this manner is love always and forever.

What is love? How do you communicate love?
Let us stop and think, reflect and ponder in the
pursuit of a factual and meaningful answer.




To every person in every nation, let us

teach the fundamental principles of love.

Website Features

What's Your Love IQ?
True-Love's Top Ten Attributes
Music For A Romantic Rendezvous
The Creed Of The Good Warrior
Does God Equally Love All His Human Children?
The Life-Principle Of Love As Defined In 60 Quotes
I Love Rock & Roll Love Songs
Recommended Internet Videos
Be A Mighty And Noble Advocate Of Love
Books By Reid Collier
Don't Fear The Reaper
Meet Larry Reid Collier
Why I Believe in the Living Reality of God
and the Divinity of Jesus
Feature #1

What's Your Love IQ?


This message is part of the Phileo Phoundation's program to increase the Love IQ of the American collective.  What's your Love IQ?  Would you like to increase your Love IQ?  And would you like to increase the Love IQ of those you love and those who love you?  The Phileo Phoundation offers a little but powerful book entitled "The Gospel Of Love."  It's a compilation of all the New Testament verses that contain the words love, loves, loved, loving, and so forth.  Based upon initial feedback, the book is being warmly received.  Imagine being able to read a little book with all the love-teachings by Jesus and His disciples.  It truly is an enlightening experience that's also unusually edifying.  You can learn more about the book on Website Feature #10.  There are also two links below that access Amazon's retail sources for ordering The Gospel Of Love:  (1) Create Space for paperback books, and (2) the Kindle Store for eBooks.  Also listed below is information about two other books that teach the fundamental principles of true-love:  (1) True-Love's Top Ten Attributes, and (2) Twelve Lessons About True-Love.  Please share this information with your family and friends so they may also be aware of these spiritual resources.  Finally, please consider organizing a Phileo Study Group to learn together the loving power of these three books.  A person learns more and understands better with a group of people verses the isolation and loneliness of oneself.  Information about a Phileo Study Group is defined in Website Feature #9.


The Gospel Of Love:  a small 5” x 8” book with 105 pages.  Reid Collier is an advocate of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and His disciples.  Even from a secular humanistic perspective, the life and teachings of Jesus are worthy of study and application.  This is especially true in regards to the fundamental principles of love.  The book is a compilation of all New Testament verses that contain the words love, loved, loves, loving, and so forth.  The love teachings of Jesus and His disciples are very enlightening and unusually edifying.  The book also includes Reid Collier's personal reflections regarding some of the verses.


Create Space:


True-Love's Top Ten Attributes:  a small 5” x 8” book, only 65 pages long, and designed to be an introduction to love's most basic principles.  The information in this book is also included in the book Twelve Lessons About True-Love (Love Lessons #10 and #11).  Also, see Website Feature #2.


Create Space:


Twelve Lessons About True-Lovea more serious endeavor that's 7” x 10”, 127 pages long, and designed for the serious student of love and live.  The book includes the information that's in the book True-Love's Top Ten Attributes.


Create Space:

Feature #2

True-Love's Top Ten Attributes

True-love has many facets, and it's very important to know and understand love's attributes.  The word “attribute,” when used as a noun, means:  (1) something attributed as belonging; and (2) a quality, character, characteristic, or property.  Accordingly, love's attributes define the quality, character, characteristic, and property of love.  Love's predominant attributes are the ones which have the most practical value and should resonate within your heart, your soul, and your mind.  If you sincerely and genuinely want to be a true-lover, then you must willfully, conscientiously and consistently practice the attributes of love.  While I have done my best to list love's truly predominant attributes, you may have your own favorite ones which should be included in your personal list.  I'm going to first list all top ten attributes and then I'll address each attribute individually.  Use the link below to access the entire composition.

  1. True-love is actively concerned for the soulful sensations of acceptance and belonging.
  2. True-love is actively concerned for the inner personal sensations of self-worth, self-esteem, self-love and self-value, these being the Soul's Four Jewels.
  3. True-love's first fruit is the gift of friendship.
  4. True-love's second fruit is the gift of understanding.
  5. True-love is diligently and consistently patient and kind, where patience and kindness are the hallmarks of true-love.
  6. The heart of true-love is free-will, and like truth, true-love shall set you free.
  7. True-love aspires, inspires and graciously teaches.
  8. True-love's most mature fruits are faithfulness, fidelity and loyalty.
  9. True-love diligently and consistently exercises mercy, which then leads to reconciliation.
  10. True-love regenerates the tired, fatigued and exhausted lover, this being the positive and proactive exercise of self-love.
Feature #3

Music For A Romantic Rendezvous

This feature is a music list of 30 Rock & Roll songs which are specifically selected to provide background music for an intimate, romantic rendezvous.  The intent of this rendezvous concerns two mature adults who have grown beyond the immature state of adolescence and the effects of the IBOY Factor (the Impulsive Behavior of Youth Factor).  I'm talking about two mature adults who have thoughtfully considered, reflected and finally decided to become Soul Mates and Life Mates.  Accordingly, these two loving sentient human beings have Committed themselves, have Dedicated themselves, and have Devoted themselves to living together until death do they part.  I personally define this ultimate choice the CDD Principle.  Consequently, these two truly loving beings mutually serve one another in all ways and manners, for better or for worse, and in sickness or in health.  This is a love-bond that cannot be broken except by death.  Needless to say, this relationship is a very spiritual relationship whose meaning and pleasures far exceed mankind's physical experiences.  In their sexual relationship, these lovers are actively involved in the commingling of their bodies and their souls.  Never underestimate the meaning, the power, and the pleasures (spiritual and physical) of mankind's sexual essence and nature.  Soulfully give thanks to your gracious, benevolent and loving Creator for designing and constructing mankind (male and female) in a manner that's so incredibly satisfying and fulfilling.  Lastly, realize this aspect of life represents the Union Organism which is solidly founded upon Union Love.  Note that the Union Organism actively involves you, me and we,and where all three elements are given equal concern and value.  All relationships are founded upon either Union Love or Confederate Love.  It's sad to say that in America the majority of relationships are founded upon Confederate Love, thus always having the option to secede from the relationship.  What good is love if it's not forever?  I hope the reader enjoys the music list, finds value in this message, and will take the time to stop, think, reflect and ponder upon the truths of the message.  The ultimate quest is for the reader to internalize the CDD Principle in conjunction with their ultimate decision to love their gracious Creator (Godly Love) and their fellow sentient brothers and sisters (Brotherly Love).


In conjunction with this music list are two essays.  The first essay is entitled “The Terrestrial Sex Drive” and the second essay is entitled “The Tragic Practice of Massive Abortion.”  These are provided to establish the moral framework by which the music list is presented.


Feature #4

The Creed of the Good Warrior


Access “The Creed of the Good Warrior” by clicking on the link located at the bottom of this feature.  This Creed is written from the perspective of the daily citizen.  The Creed defines what the daily citizen wants from their good warriors, especially what mothers and fathers lovingly desire from their sons and daughters who so selflessly serve America.  Truly, America's good warriors are defenders of liberty and freedom, thus having a truly consecrated awareness that they're involved in a facet of life that's not just respectable, but what is truly honorable.  Therefore, it is good, proper and appropriate for all citizens to sincerely honor these selfless men and women who willfully enter harm's way so that freedom may continue to ring throughout this great land America.  But first, here are ten quotes for the reader to enjoy and to reflect upon.

  1. America the free, because of the brave.  (A popular national expression)
  2. Freedom is not free, but is paid by those few good citizens who willing sacrifice for a higher cause and the greater good.  (A popular national expression)
  3. Constant and eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.  (A popular national expression)
  4. God grants Liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.  (Daniel Webster)
  5. If our country is worth dying for in time of war, then let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace.  (Hamilton Fish)
  6. In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.
    (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
  7. My God!  How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!  (Thomas Jefferson)
  8. Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. (Abraham Lincoln)
  9. Where liberty dwells, there is my country.  (Benjamin Franklin)
  10. We fight in honorable fashion for the good of mankind; fearless of the future, unheeding of our individual fates, with unflinching hearts and undimmed eyes; we stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord.  (Theodore Roosevelt)
Feature #5

Does God Equally Love All His Human
Children, Including His Homosexual Children?

What you personal believe and why you believe it is a very important element of the human experience.  Also, your personal beliefs are very often preferential, subjective and improvable.  That's why the word “faith” is often used in the same manner as the word “belief.”  Your faith is what you believe, and you have faith that what you believe is true.  However, what you believe is often based solely upon what you read or hear and then accept it to be the truth.  The emphatic truth is that you know very little while you believe very much.  And most unfortunately, your personal beliefs are sometimes diametrically opposing to what other people believe.  This is the case regarding the evangelical church and the homosexual community.  Both sides of this “belief system conflict” have good reasons that support their specific belief system regarding homosexuality.  I have pursued the truth regarding this great social conflict, and I've come to believe science provides a significantly more objective, sensible, reasonable and rational understanding of the issue.  Basically, science's position is that true homosexuality is a natural occurrence of life.  Science is also aware of heterosexual people who willfully engage in homosexual relationships, but these are not true homosexual people.


I believe it's also very important to note that the recorded documents regarding the life and teachings of Jesus do not address any statements or teachings by Jesus regarding homosexuality.  The Bible does not record Jesus ever addressing or condemning homosexuality.  But Jesus did record two very important commandments.  The first is The Law of Love.  “Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and in a similar manner love your neighbor as yourself.”  The second is Jesus' personal commandment.  “This is My Commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.”  Lastly, it's important to consider and ponder upon the fundamental democratic principle that is The Law of Equality.  “All sentient human beings are created equal by their gracious, benevolent and loving Creator.”  This equality means that God loves His homosexual children equally as much as He loves His heterosexual children.  In response to this issue, I am attaching two essays entitled:  (1) “The Proper Sensitivity of SO/SI” (sexual orientation and sexual identity), and (2) “A Personal Message to Our Gay Citizens.”  You don't have to openly embrace homosexuality, but as a loving Christian (or any other religious affiliation) you must openly accept and lovingly tolerate homosexuality.


Feature #6

The Life-Principle
Of Love As Defined In 60 Quotes

Here are some of my favorite quotes which I have gathered through the years.  I hope the reader likes them and finds the respective quotes to be enlightening as well as wise and witty.  In regards to the key words (these key words being critical to my writings and my personal models of life and love), I have highlighted these key words by making them bold and underline them.  In regards to my most personal favorite quotes, I have typed them in red.  I hope this feature increases the value of these quotes and enhances the reader's understanding.  These are ethereal words that touch the spirit and illuminate the soul, and they include words such as:


Belief, truth, reason and wisdom.

Skepticism, doubt, uncertainty, conviction and cynicism.

Hope, faith, love, kindness, forgiveness, grace, happiness and joy.


Feature #7

I Love Rock & Roll's Love Songs!!!

One of the greatest gifts America has given to the world is the music form we call Rock & Roll.  Furthermore, the greatest aspect of Rock & Roll music is its poignant love songs.  Mankind has always used music to express the emotions of life and love.  Everyone loves a great emotional song that communicates the greatest principles of life, especially including love's fundamental principles.  In some way, in some manner, and by somehow, everyone's soul has been moved to laughter and tears by great Rock & Roll songs.  And this is why we also call Rock & Roll music “Soul Music.”  Do you have soul?  In addition, the songs of each generation provide memory markers by which each generation instantly recalls the most important memories of their lives.  Some of these memories are gloriously good, and some of these memories involve the bitter sweet elements of life.  Such songs may even resurrect life traumas that cannot be erased from our memories.  As an example, my father died when I was ten years old, and I still remember all the songs of the time.  And it's good that I remember these songs, for by these songs I can instantly recall all the fond memories of his love and the wonderful dad he was, and I'm sure, still is.  From my father's death I learned early in life to focus my mind upon the loving goodness of life and to avoid dwelling upon the bitterness of life.  If the reader is a fan of Rock & Roll music, then please visit this feature of The Phileo Phoundation.  How well do you know the History of Rock & Roll?  How many of these Rock & Roll love songs do you know?  Who's the artist, and what year was the song released?  Now, with a spring in our walk, a smile on our faces, and a song in our hearts, let us now go forth and take a pleasant stroll down Memory Lane.  There are eight parts to this feature.


Feature #8

Recommended Internet Videos


It's desired to provide the visitor access to internet videos which contain messages that support and expand The Phileo Phoundation's mission.  Not all of the following video links may be active.  Go to the link below “Link to the entire composition” to access these videos.


1.  Life After Life:  By Dr. Raymond Moody, a leading pioneer in the research of the “near death experience” (NDE).  The video is about 57 minutes long.  Also for additional NDE's videos, go to Website Feature #11 entitled “Don't Fear The Reaper,” then click on the “entire composition” link,” and there you'll find under “Part 4” ten more internet video links regarding NDE's.  Most of these videos are positive, life affirming, and spiritually uplifting.  However, there are several NDE descriptions that are totally terrifying.


2.  Personal Stories From Disabled VeteransThere are several, emotionally moving videos from the Disabled American Veterans website.  Every American should visit this website so they can enhance their appreciation and admiration of America's “Good Warriors.”


3.  The Last Lecture:  By Dr. Randy Pausch, a leading educator in the field of computer engineering.  The video is about 75 minutes long.  This video, along with Dr. Pausch's bestselling book with the same title, brought national attention because of his love and zest for life even though he was dying from pancreatic cancer.


4.  A Charlie Rose interview of Dr. Armand M. Nicholi, Jr.Dr. Nicholi is a renowned psychiatrist and bestselling author of a book entitled “A Question of God.”  The story of the book has C. S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud debating God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life.  The video is about 30 minutes long.


5.  The Amazing Diane Rose from Waco, Texas:  Diane Rose is a blind woman who sews quilts.  The video is about 6 minutes long.


6.  Life Is Like A Cup Of CoffeeThe author of this story is unknown, but it's a very popular video with over 2,000,000 viewers and still growing.  The video's message is about the emptiness of envy and the lack of focus upon the true values of life.  The video is about 3 minutes long.


Feature #9

Be A Mighty And Noble Advocate Of Love



Five Quotes From Website Feature #6


A baby is born with a need to be loved, and never outgrows it.  (Frank A. Clark)


The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are lovedloved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.  (Victor Hugo)


Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.

(Eric Fromm)


The Wisdom of Love, the highest wisdom ever known upon this earth.  (Charles Dickens)


Take away love and our earth is a tomb.  (Robert Browning)



Six Song Titles From Website Feature #7


♥♥  All You Need Is Love  ♥♥  Put A Little Love In Your Heart  ♥♥

♥♥  What The World Needs Now Is Love  ♥♥  Love True Ways  ♥♥

♥♥  Love Will Keep Us Together  ♥♥  Love Will Find A Way  ♥♥



Except for a very small percentage of earth dwellers, everyone knows love is one of the most important elements known to the human experience.  A large percentage of earth dwellers deeply believe love is the most important element of the human experience.  And have you ever met a person who said they didn't want to love or to be loved?  But in spite of this belief feature of the collective of mankind, antilove abounds throughout the entire world.  Why is this?  It's because mankind has failed to properly educate their children about the fundamental elements of love.  And most people throw up their hands and whine:  “What can I do about it?  I'm only one person, and I lack the knowledge and the internal motivation to exercise and teach love's fundamental principles.”  You can either be a part of the solution or a part of the problem.  And know this great truth.  Apathy will not save you, but only true love that dwells in the heart of person will give you the internal motivation needed to be a true, sincere and genuine lover.


Be a mighty and noble Advocate of Love!!!


Feature #10

Books By Reid Collier


Reid Collier has written and self-published ten books regarding love, democracy and theism -- these being three of the most important forces of the human experience. These books are the heart and soul of The Phileo Phoundation’s educational program to teach and encourage the entire world to live life by the principles of true-love. The names of the books and their website links are listed below, and they’re available as paperback books or as eBooks (PDF format). The eBooks are free of charge but are restricted as defined in the books’ Copyright restrictions. All paperback books are available from Amazon's subsidiary called CreateSpace. Please visit their website to learn more about each book and their sale prices.


Finally, please tell your family and friends about The Phileo Phoundation and their educational program to teach the principles of true-love to the entire world. Please consider giving one of Reid Collier’s paperback books to those you love. Reid Collier sincerely thanks everyone who helps in the fulfillment of his dreams and efforts. Be a mighty and noble Advocate of Love.


True-Love's Top Ten Attributes

eBook (PDF format)


The Gospel Of Love

eBook (PDF format)



eBook (PDF format)


Twelve Lessons About True-Love

eBook (PDF format)


The Spiritual Nature Of The Sentient Human Being

eBook (PDF format)


The Fundamental Principles Of Democracy

eBook (PDF format)


Sixteen Very Important Life Lessons

eBook (PDF format)


The Law Of Sexual Orientation And Sexual Identity

eBook (PDF format)


Christianity's Second Reformation

And The Rise Of The Scientific Christian

eBook (PDF format)


Cosmic Laws And Concepts That Forge

The Human Experience

eBook (PDF format)


Feature #11

Don't Fear The Reaper

Where Shall Your Mind Dwell

At the Moment of Your Physical Death?


The fear of physical death is mankind's greatest anxiety.  How about you?  Do you fear death?  Do you fear the Reaper?  Do you fear the Angel of Death?  Know this great truth.  You won't fear the Angle of Death if you first deeply believe the Angel of Death is also the Angel of Birth.  The death I'm talking about is mankind's physical death, which I also call “terrestrial death.”  Also, the birth I'm talking about is mankind's spiritual birth, which I call “celestial birth.”  But there's always a lingering anxiety that makes us uncertain if we're good enough for God's ability to forgive us of all our transgressions of Divine Law.  This condition is called Mankind's Great Doubt.  In spite of this great uncertainty, do not worry and do not be anxious.  This Great Doubt is a very natural condition of the human experience.  The Apostle Paul addresses this great lesson about mankind's natural internal conflict, that being the conflict of mankind's two natures – the good and loving nature versus the evil and fearful nature.  This message is recorded in Paul's letter to the Romans, chapter 7, verses 18, 19, 24 and 25.


For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the wishing is

present in me, but the doing of the good is not.  For the good that I wish, I do not do;

but I practice the very evil that I do not wish.  Wretched man that I am!  Who will set

me free from the body of this death.  Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!


Jesus also addressed this issue in a simple manner:  “The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”  This is a Christian response to mankind's natural fear and dilemma regarding personal judgment and eternal death.  I've also read that a similar response is embraced by most manmade religions, if not all manmade religions.  I truly believe this is a universal, spiritual conflict that is best resolved and conquered in our terrestrial world.  Overcoming this natural fear isn't just a matter of faith, but is ultimately a matter of love.  This emancipating love is almost always preceded with hope and faith.  Always remember this.  Hope, faith and love abide, but the greatest of these is love.  God is perfect love, thus loving all His children and giving them the benefit of the Great Doubt!  I hope the reader enjoys and embraces this most important message.  Truly and seriously, don't fear the Reaper!


This feature is presented in four parts.


Feature #12

Meet Larry Reid Collier

Founder and sole proprietor of The Phileo Phoundation

I'm now retired and I was a professional electrical engineer registered and licensed in the state of Virginia. (The older I get, the better I was.) I created electrical system designs for buildings, piers, electronic facilities, overhead and underground electrical utility systems, emergency generator systems, fire alarm systems, premises wiring systems for telephone and computer systems, and other electrical systems. I also created a significant quantity of technical documents and manuals.

I've had my website The Phileo Phoundation (which means The Brotherly Love Foundation) for over ten years. I use it to advocate and promote the fundamental principles of true-love. The website also includes information about ten books I've written through the years. My pen name is Reid Collier. (“Reid” is pronounced the same as “reed.”) The books are available from Amazon's Create Space and Amazon's Kindle Store. My books are nonfiction except for one book "Reconciled." My main topics include love, democracy and theism.

The intent of my books is to have the reader stop and think, and to reflect and ponder; that is, reflect upon the big picture of life, especially including the meaning, value, purpose, and mysteries of life. I challenge the reader to become a Truth Seeker, and thus pursue a better understanding of themselves, mankind's Creator, love and life. I emphasize two important concepts: (1) An unexamined life is not worth living. And (2) Where shall your mind dwell at the moment of your physical death?

It should be noted that I write in a technical writing style. Thus, I have actually written technical manuals in lieu of books. In addition, I’ve been told my writing is very cerebral and academic. I’m perplexed at this response because I don’t know if this is a positive comment, or a negative comment, or both. Naturally, most people probably disagree with the comment, and I certainly don't see myself as being either cerebral or academic.

I also know that as a non-fiction writer my audience is limited. Nevertheless, my message is a very good message and a very important message. The entire world needs to teach the People about the fundamental principles of true-love. How much better would the world be if we, as an evolving global civilization, taught our children to communicate and exercise love and tolerance instead of fear and hatred? There’s simply too much fear and hatred in the world and much too little love and tolerance.

What’s your Love-IQ, and do you want to increase your Love-IQ, thus increase you ability and capacity to truly love? Lastly, the higher your Love-IQ is, then the greater is your sensation of happiness. Recall the Wiseman when he taught: Love is the master key that unlocks the gates of happiness.

Feature #13

Why I Believe in the Living
Reality of God and the Divinity of Jesus

Why would anyone with a rational, sensible and logical mind believe the recorded life and teachings of Jesus are true? It should be noted that many very intelligent men and women with very rational, sensible and logical minds believe these stories are true. And each of these intelligent, rational persons could tell you why they believe in the stories of Jesus. I will humbly and gladly share the four main reasons why I believe in the living reality of God and the divinity of Jesus.

A Sincere and Cheerful Farewell



I sincerely hope the visitor found meaning, value and purpose from The Phileo Phoundation's website.  Be sure to know this great truth.  True-love has an immense impact on the Meaning, Value and Purpose of Life (the MVP of Life), and in turn, this enhanced MVP of Life ultimately establishes your Quality of Life.



What's the quality of your life?


Would you like your life quality to be better?


Would you like to be a happier person?


Then expand your capacity to love!



If you found this website to be helpful, interesting, thought provoking, and sometimes amusing as well as entertaining, then please share The Phileo Phoundation's website with your family and friends.  Do this to help make your world a safer, happier, more peaceful, and more loving place to live, to prosper, and to die.


 The Phileo Phoundation - Love is like a rainbow




To every person in every nation, let us

teach the fundamental principles of love.